Yes, a 70-inch TV will easily fit in a Honda Pilot and it will save the cost of the carrying charge of the TV. Buying a TV is already an expensive step so I always prefer to fit the TV in the car to carry it home. Now, often the car users of Honda Pilot ask if they can fit a 70-inch TV in their car or not. Because this will help them save money and make the best use of the car.
It is not unknown to you people that Honda Pilot is the largest of all SUVs and was designed with a lot of space inside it.

The three-row seating of this car makes it more spacious than the other SUVs. So, when the question comes of carrying the TV in Honda PIlot then the answer has always been yes.
A 70-inch TV is comparatively bigger than a 65-inch but people sometimes also want to know about the fitting measurement of the 65-inch TV in Honda Pilot. So, this article also managed to talk about the fit of 65-inch TV in Honda Pilot. Because we try to give emphasis on the curiosity of the people.
With a length of 69.09”, a 70-inch TV will fit in a Honda Pilot. But there are certain things regarding the setting position of the TV that will give the TV a safe fit.
For example, if we fit the TV at an angle then it will become easier to fit the TV in the car.
Apart from that, there are some other safety measures that will give the TV double protection save will save it from unavoidable road bumps.
One measure could be wrapping up the TV with a double-layered bubble wrapper. This will save the TV from glass crack and many more damages.